Meet our stable of valiant, fierce, devious librarians! These are the people who tend the vines and grow the grapes.
v.f. thompson
v.f. thompson is just compost in training. She is also the primary editor for the Library's print projects and the facilitator for their live events. She has had stories appear in publications such as Last Girls Club, Rulerless, and The Hard Times. She can be found clowning around Kalamazoo, MI.

Fritz Dries
Fritz Dries is a poet and laborer from Southern Canada. His work covers themes such as transition and growth, both of plants and people. He has previously published two collections, Bury Your Teeth in the Yard and Four Seconds.
Follow him on Twitter.
Tucker Wooley
Tucker Wooley is a digital artist, cartoonist, and writer from the internet. They live in LA making animation, storyboards, comics, poetry and whatever else they feel like! Wow!
Follow them on Twitter or check out their website at

Adrien Darling
Adrien is a visual artist and baby cripplepunk living in Southeast Michigan with their partner and a small menagerie of beasts. They collect zines, makeup, bones, and Hello Kitty paraphernalia.
Follow them on Instagram.